Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I slept good I think. I also got everything done I wanted yesterday. The front fascia is painted. All doors and trim are up and painted. I finished putting up the rest of the circular tiles above the garage. We ordered more to finish everything, and they'll be in soon. I have the East and West side peaks, and the back fascia left. A project in its final moments.
I also finished my book. #6 in a series of like 25 or something. I've read the last two, so I may read these instead of listen to them. I have a 17 hour book on tap right now anyway.
So, I guess things are going pretty good. I am staying busy, and getting shit done. I had another huge helping of cucumbers and vinegar fresh from the garden. I am on a roll I guess. Fall approaches, and everything will slow down a bit. I may even watch more than 5 minutes of tv at that point.
My life I guess is pretty easy. I do as I feel pretty much, and I typically feel like being busy. I don't have much/any anger toward anything. I don't blame any of my past toward some negative thing about myself. I take full credit for who I am. I was not slighted in any way. I am my own person so to speak as far as this World is concerned. I carry no baggage, cuz my life has been gone through with a fine tooth comb.
I live in the light, and I can be seen. You have no idea what that feels like. It makes life easy. It makes you strong, and it helps you feel good.
I don't have any great deeds in my past. No special moments of such magnitude that makes my life quite unique. I have no redeeming quality either. I was not born on this Earth with special attributes, which make me better than others. I paid my dues though getting to know myself. I threw away all lies and falsehood so I could look at things objectively.
That which could have and should have shaped me I threw away a long time ago. I am not now who I would have been. You are however, and you still carry a lot of baggage the World threw your way. We all are trapped into that existence. It takes a little on your part to escape it. You have to be willing though, and that is probably the hardest. As time goes on you become more entrenched in life.
In your walk, I am of no help. It is you alone on this Earth coming to terms with the truth. Family is of no use as far as this goes. In the end you have to deal with you. On that path you may get a glimpse of your shortcomings with others.
I really don't know if anyone is willing to take that walk though. The other path that lays everything else useless, and without points. Yeah all our activities are vanity, but who is so strong to be able to view the truth. I am for one, but I did my time in the wilderness. I suffered through unseen persecutions, and I accepted the worst judgements, because I had help, which made me stronger than I could ever be on my own. I was tested, and with help I overcame. I was an ignorant vessel really who was used for this impossible tale. These days I feel are kinda like the dead years in a way. I know my path, but it seems nowhere near.
I am cool with it though, cuz my heart is pretty okay about stuff.
Anyhoo, gotta run.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Laterzzz. :)