Tuesday, July 31, 2018

On The East Side There Is No Shame

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I slept good I think. I also got everything done I wanted yesterday. The front fascia is painted. All doors and trim are up and painted. I finished putting up the rest of the circular tiles above the garage. We ordered more to finish everything, and they'll be in soon. I have the East and West side peaks,  and the back fascia left. A project in its final moments.

I also finished my book. #6 in a series of like 25 or something. I've read the last two, so I may read these instead of listen to them. I have a 17 hour book on tap right now anyway.

So, I guess things are going pretty good. I am staying busy, and getting shit done. I had another huge helping of cucumbers and vinegar fresh from the garden. I am on a roll I guess. Fall approaches,  and everything will slow down a bit. I may even watch more than 5 minutes of tv at that point.

My life I guess is pretty easy. I do as I feel pretty much, and I typically feel like being busy. I don't have much/any anger toward anything. I don't blame any of my past toward some negative thing about myself. I take full credit for who I am. I was not slighted in any way. I am my own person so to speak as far as this World is concerned. I carry no baggage, cuz my life has been gone through with a fine tooth comb.

I live in the light,  and I can be seen. You have no idea what that feels like. It makes life easy. It makes you strong, and it helps you feel good.

I don't have any great deeds in my past. No special moments of such magnitude that makes my life quite unique. I have no redeeming quality either. I was not born on this Earth with special attributes, which make me better than others. I paid my dues though getting to know myself. I threw away all lies and falsehood so I could look at things objectively.

That which could have and should have shaped me I threw away a long time ago. I am not now who I would have been. You are however,  and you still carry a lot of baggage the World threw your way. We all are trapped into that existence. It takes a little on your part to escape it. You have to be willing though, and that is probably the hardest. As time goes on you become more entrenched in life.

In your walk, I am of no help. It is you alone on this Earth coming to terms with the truth. Family is of no use as far as this goes. In the end you have to deal with you. On that path you may get a glimpse of your shortcomings with others.

I really don't know if anyone is willing to take that walk though. The other path that lays everything else useless,  and without points. Yeah all our activities are vanity, but who is so strong to be able to view the truth. I am for one, but I did my time in the wilderness. I suffered through unseen persecutions,  and I accepted the worst judgements,  because I had help, which made me stronger than I could ever be on my own. I was tested, and with help I overcame. I was an ignorant vessel really who was used for this impossible tale. These days I feel are kinda like the dead years in a way. I know my path,  but it seems nowhere near.

I am cool with it though, cuz my heart is pretty okay about stuff.

Anyhoo, gotta run.

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.   :)

Laterzzz.    :)

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Some Times It Is Just Plain Silly Looking Back.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I finished painting under the eves, so now all we have left is white for the fascia, and a bit of trim. Painting a house is kinda a big ordeal. It takes good weather. We did the majority in one day with the sprayer,  and the other part takes forever. The detail work. It will be good to get it done.

I did think a bit about the past with this thing yesterday. Just a blog that pretty much is just my story I guess. I thought of people I became acquainted with this thing, and it seems pretty silly.

I sorta met a lot of people with this thing, and the majority are just nameless faces now.  That is fine with me I guess. It's how are lives are i guess. We feel we are important for a bit of time, and in the end we find out we aren't.

Our deeds don't really matter. We haven't niched out the perfect life. We haven't become perfect people. We all have that in common. Perfection was out of reach for us. The important things we occupied our time with weren't really important. Our hearts betrayed us, cuz we don't always feel the same day to day. I guess we want happiness, meaning, we want to feel good inside about ourselves.

I do feel pretty good inside about me. I don't feel I do anything important, but my way is accepted. I am accepted, and mostly cuz I was willing to not follow my own path,  also I was able to accept harsh truths.

I guess I was tested, but I had a firm hand leading me on the proper way. The sort of funny thing is this is just my story. No one was ever going to be so important they could change me. If you didn't stick around with me it isn't my loss. All along my path was solo. It made me strong,  and everyone else in the scheme of things not too important. No one had any say in my story. In that regard no one is that important.

I know what will be done through me, but how that happens I have no idea. I am not the maker of the events that will finish this story.  I wasn't the maker of events who shaped it to this point. I don't really know how the days will look as we approach finishing this tale off.

I am not too concerned either. I have my little projects to keep me busy. I have work to do, meals to eat, etc... 

I'll tell you one thing I am thankful for of many. Being strong and content. I guess that too is something we wish for. I don't need to be accepted by anyone, cuz my story already is. I wake up mostly as I did today. Feeling good about stuff, and feeling completely assured of my ways. It isn't in my power to be perfect yet,  but I still am accepted. I don't have to pretend to be perfect,  cuz that is out of reach right now. I suspect that is baggage a lot of people hold onto. You must look the look. You must play the part, cuz if you don't you can be judged. You'll learn you need help to be stronger than the World, and that is one of my gifts I guess. My help was strong enough to overcome. Way back when I guess I was strong enough to overcome myself. My life was before me, but I gave up one coin, and was given a better one. I was blind doing this. I had no clue where it would lead. It ended with me appearing to play the fool I guess, but I ended up not being foolish at all.

Anyhoo, I guess that's good. 

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Laterzzz.   :)

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sleep Sure Is Our Friend.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I slept in the last couple days. Slept in a bit today too. I think so many days off last weekend threw me off. I slept good last night though. Slept all the way through.

I just checked my bank, and my property tax check went through. No more payments to the house for a year. I worked on the house painting yesterday too. Just finishing the finishing touches, which take quite a long time actually. We get it done though, and it is done.

Also I tried planning our vacation. I think I am going to go to a travel agent though. I don't know enough about that stuff,  and I am going as a tourist. For some reason San Antonio has been in our head to visit. No rhyme no reason just cuz. There aren't many places I really feel like visiting. Vacation is pretty much how you feel on the inside, and I guess my life is a vacation of sorts. I have a pretty good feeling about stuff most times I guess.

I have more stuff to do than time to do it. No strict timetables though,  so nothing to add much pressure. It will be nice to finish the house though.

Other than that not much. I just do not have a lot going on. Work, eat, sleep is my motto. I am lucky I am sitting good financially,  and also lucky I like to work.  Also lucky I don't have any pride that I know of. I am not too proud to do any job.  I like the idea of working, and getting a pay check. I like the schedule of a job too. Filling my day with labor makes me feel fulfilled probably more than anything. I think I also am lucky to feel that way too. When I was at my lowest during the College years, getting a job was what helped me out. Learning to use public transportation helped too. Even as a College graduate my job was cleaning floors,  cuz I didn't know what I wanted to do. Turns out my Saturday job is cleaning floors to this day. I haven't entered into any path that says I am too good to do this or that.

The path I entered was not of my vision. It didn't make me better than anyone, it just helped me know the real truth of stuff.  My heart is more than happy to accept this too.

Anyhoo, gotta run. 

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.   :)

Laterzzz.    :)

Sunday, July 22, 2018

So That Is What A Weekend Is Like.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. On Friday we went and saw Firehouse. It is i thought an 80s hair band, but they started in the early 90s. They have a few songs we liked,  so when we paid off our house we figured we'd stay at the casino resort and see their show. It was a pretty small venue, which surprised me, but it was okay.

We dont gamble so we didn't. We walked through the casino. It was filled with mostly aged people, and it had the smell of cigarettes everywhere. A casino is probably the only place in the World you can smoke inside, outside one's home.  It is a good place to people watch.

Yesterday we went to a party at my Bil's house. I drank too much. I am not hungover, but just lazy. I did a shot of vodka for some stupid reason. Maybe 2. I have no idea why. Just in the moment it seemed like a good idea at the time. It was fun. We didn't get everything done with the house. I had to special order more curved tile thingies. They'll be in around 2 weeks from now.  It will look good. Still a bit more painting to do too, but it should be done tomorrow or this week sometime.

I paid our property taxes yesterday which equates to my house payment for the year. $1900 give or take. Our property taxes are pretty low. That's a good thing.  We dont have a municipal tax or anything either. A lot of lake houses though,  so I'd guess those would be high. Holland does offer a lot of services. I am Happy to pay my taxes for them too. From the library to road repairs etc....  they gave us money to upgrade our house too.

Other than that not much. Just doing the life thing. Not really a care in the World. Slowly but surely all our projects are getting finished,  and we can just relax, and have fun.

Anyhoo, I got nothing as usual, but I'll hit publish as I've been known to do for no good reason. :)

Laterzzz.    :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Getting Some More Done.

So yesterday after work, I finished all the exterior blue on the walls. Shortly this job will be done. 2 more windows to paint,  and a door. Have to do white for the fascia and peaks,  and trim out the French door. It may seem like a lot,  but really we can get probably it all done Monday my next day off. Actually I don't work Saturday, so maybe even before Monday. We are going to a concert Friday night. A 80s hair band at a casino near here.  Wake up early Saturday and drive home, who knows?  Today I am going to do the circular shingle thing above the garage. All in all it is pretty exciting getting a big job done. New roof,  house painted, all windows have been replaced. Not too shabby.

Other than that not much. I did go to bed early last night, just to get a really good night sleep. You pick your times I guess. Some people like to stay up,  and sleep as late as they can. I like to wake up early if I can,  and go to bed a bit earlier. Of course I have been doing it that way for years so that ain't anything new.

I do have to say I feel really good getting the house painted. I feel it helped motivate me, and maybe put a little pep in my step.

Life looks really good right now I'd say. At some point in the near future there won't be any projects. Real major ones anyway.

Basically I have nothing to blog about. I will have time to take the Hopester. Also on Sunday I went on a long for me run. It would have been better if it wasn't already 160° at 9:00 AM, but I'll take it.

Anyhoo, I got nothing.

I can still hit publish though.   ;)

Laterzzz.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.   :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Weather Changed My Day.

It was totally supposed to rain, or have a high enough possibility of rain yesterday. Said so all week long. Last week was hot as Hell too. We had a house that needed to be painted. I wanted to use our sprayer once, cuz I didn't want to clean it twice.

Anyway, I woke up Monday morning to a low chance of precipitation. Lisa, and I both had the day off, so I said let's get it done. We finished cutting in for the most part,  and got ready to spray. We got the sprayer ready, and practiced on a piece of wood. Then we got it done. The sprayer worked like a charm. It was definitely a team project,  cuz Lisa would use the shield in areas we didn't want to hit.

Instead of siding our house we painted. Saved thousands of dollars along the way. Today I'll have to use the brush for the final areas. We still got trim, and stuff too,  plus an area above the garage Lisa wants me to put a circular shingle thingy. She already has them prepped. I think she used stain for those. A big part of the job done though. I didn't think Mondays weather would let us get that done. So that was a pretty good day off. We went out for Mexican food for dinner.

Other than that not much. Just totally stoked to get done what we did yesterday. I don't remember last year so much, but I feel I am getting more done this year. Probably in a few weeks I'll be bombarded with veggies from the garden too.

Today will be a day of work. Some more painting. Dinner will be had at some point. There will be news on the t.v. and internets I will not pay any attention too. I find that to be the best way to keep the noise out of your head, and anger out of your heart. News is spin, and you let yourself get tangled in the nonsense when you pay attention to those spinsters   who peddle the news. Everyone has an angle,  you'd be wise to ignore. You ain't gonna change the World. You cannot even change you.

Anyhoo,  I feel yesterday was a pretty good day. Today shouldn't be horrible either. If I paint today, which I plan on, it will be a good amount below 87°. 

Gotta run.   :)

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Sunday, July 15, 2018

A New Day.

So this is my 2nd Sunday sleeping in. I was tired yesterday after work, but I still got a bit done around the house. Not a lot,  but...  I did go to bed early,  and woke up around 2:30 AM or so.  I did catch a glimpse of how people think at that point. I've been the way I am for a long time, so I've known things a while. You cannot see the things I see, and I rarely can see things how I was in my early to mid 20's.

I know no one is strong enough to stand on your own so you need society,  Country, other people.  You need a crutch to find a type of strength I guess, cuz if nothing is true about our life how do we stand? 

It's a good question I guess. There is you who were thrown in this life not of your plans and choice. Parents are all grown up'ish so they teach you their ropes they were given via Education, society,  tv, news, papers,  drugs, friends etc...  the stuff that helped shape you.

I threw everything I learned away in my younger years. I think I was led that way. My life was such a way, and I questioned. I found out this whole World is a lie. It's you here alone. Eventually you get to 6' under, and what is the truth of this?  Why?? 

As far as I can tell people believe what they do for any number of reasons. As far as I can tell they never really question what they believe. They stand their own ground by arguing the falseness of others. Clinging to their group of like minded people perhaps.

If the World is wrong then what is right?  If you are wrong who is right?  You'll find no heroes in this place. No one did things better than you, and you didn't do things better than others. You were born into this great trap called life. A night of passion was your beginning, and you believed everything the World threw at you so far.

I know inside something is missing in you, but you don't know what it is.  everyone wants a care free life, but how does one go about it?  It isn't in your power to create it, and it isn't in your heart to be that way.  Maybe you want to work or sacrifice toward it,  I don't know. We all are lost, until we escape the clutches of the World. So much is out of our power, and I guess humility is the first step.

These days I don't really know though,  cuz I've done this a long time, and nothing really even got done.

I've done my part I guess, and others were just unwilling. Not sure what happens now.  I suspect I'll just continue doing what I do, and we will see about you.

Anyhoo, gotta run.

Laterzzz.    :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Trains From Emmerdale.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. Yesterday was pretty okay. Mostly cuz there wasn't soccer on, so we got some painting done. We are just cutting in around windows,  and by the eves so when we get ready to spray we whip it out real quick. The temps break next week so it will be pretty good weather. Us getting the house painted will be a pretty big job done. We did it like 20 years ago. Lisa is getting Lowes top of the line paint too. Luckily I have a $50 gift certificate for Lowes, and for some reason I have a $100 gift certificate too. Also there is a sale going on, so we'll not have to spend a gazillion of our own money. I do have property taxes due next month, and license plate tabs. It will be the first time I pay property taxes outside an escrow account. It basically amounts to my house payment for the year.

Other than that not much. As Summer goes on i think I will all of a sudden have a bunch of time, and nothing to fill it with,  so I may get a membership at Evergreen Commons. It will give me somewhere to go after work to get a work out in.  Pretty soon we just won't have many/any projects to do. Remember we have a new furnace, new windows,  and a ton of insulation added, so...

I may start trying different recipes and stuff too,  but I will be pretty busy through canning season. The light is at the end of the tunnel though. This Fall will be different than any before for me I guess, but maybe they all were.

I guess in the early morning I just think out loud here. I plan my day, and my life.  I look ahead,  but who knows how the days will shape up.

As you can see there isn't a lot on my mind, so this is totally deletable, but unlike yesterday I'll publish for the heck of it.

Guess that's it.

Laterzzz.    :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Soaking My Feet In Epsom Salt

That is what I started doing. Trying to do it daily. My feet are an itch machine. I think it is working. Lisa swears by it. Yesterday was okay. Work was busy, but today may be easier. We got a lot done yesterday. I'll take Hope in a bit. Today I feel is the first day of the rest of my life. I almost feel like I should do something. I have my fitbit,  and I take around 20,000 + steps/day on average. I like that for one. Just by living I am active. I decided to try and keep a food log with my thing. Not cuz I want to lose weight or anything like that,  but just to keep track. So I have a better idea of what I eat day in, day out.

I don't have a normal eating pattern outside of dinner.  I wake up mostly before 5:00 AM Tuesday through Saturday, so breakfast and lunch are weird. I may have a bowl of soup around 10:00 AM. I may eat a pig in a blanket too sometime before that. I may eat breakfast before work too if I am hungry.

I could eat donuts every day if I wanted, but I may have one every few weeks or so. I am not much of a sweet tooth person. I am more likely to grab a pickle or a tomato slice.  I'd say these days I am around 75% chance of having a cup of coffee in the morning. Sometimes I drop way below that, but that is about where I am now.

I don't have a strict discipline in how I eat. I always do as I feel. I make no sacrifices, like I said I do as I feel.  It is kinda nice feeling this is the first day of the rest of my life. I feel I just live out my days. Content in my life, and how things are.

I feel no need to accomplish anything, because it doesn't matter, although I suspect the route I am on will have its own accomplishments as part of the story. That isn't my doing though. You'll see in the end none of us are significant in the least. We are not making any mark.  I suspect most people can't see that,  cuz you cannot see outside the box if you live inside it.

Hearts cannot be content either as we originally came into being. One must take a different route to find that. It's a route of humility really, cuz you'll find how imperfect and powerless we are. You cannot see that either, cuz you are as you always were. You cannot change that either.  Also as far as I can tell you are unwilling.  I suspect it's always been this way. The World overpowered everyone.


Guess that's good. 

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Fun Fun In The Sun... or something.

Good morning.  How's it going?  I am fine. I haven't blogged in a bit, but like most of you i have been busy. We finished our breezeway. It is painted,  and I installed a new floor this weekend. Someone donated a nice floating floor at Lisa's work,  so instead of however many hundreds of dollars we would have paid, we paid $50. I'll take a pic of it sometime...  maybe ;) 

Anyway i finished the floor on Sunday, a sleep in day before I went to work.  It was pretty sweet sleeping in. I got up early had coffee, and went straight back to bed cuz I could.  :)   Then I finished the floor.  I did most of it Saturday after work.

So yesterday I had plans,  but I helped my Dad out with his dilemma.  Being street legal to drive. He needed a MI licence,  and plates, and MI insurance. I was going to take care of the insurance, but my Dad is high risk for a few more months. So I figured I better get his license first, and go from there.   So I got in line at the sos via the internets. He needed a social security card. Birth certificate, picture ID,  and two forms of mail.   FFS.  How do people even survive in this World?  He didn't have a SS card, but had his discharge papers with SSN  from the Army from like 1958 or something. They accepted that as proof. If people are supposed to stand for an idol made of fabric I would hope so.

License done, I went on line, and got insurance. I don't have a printer so I had esurance  fax info to sos. To be safe I went to the library, and printed proof of insurance. Got back in line via the interwebs,  and headed back to sos. License,  insurance,  and legal plates done in a day. Plus I got him a tour of a local workout/social place for people over 50.

My Dad goes out to breakfast every morning.  Maybe all old people do. I figure he could go there, have breakfast, get a workout in, and hang out or go home.  He needs to do something. This place has a cafeteria, and serves coffee, a good breakfast,  and a good lunch for cheap. He can swim, use the treadmill, stationary bike, or swim.  Play pool, ping pong, or even cards with people.  They show movies a couple times/month etc...  not to mention he can meet people his age,  and get friends or whatever. All for $50/ year, and $20/month. I may sign up this winter. Too much stuff going on now however.

Anyhoo, Lisa started cutting in with the exterior painting. It was what I planned on doing yesterday, but sos called. I'll be busy again this week painting the house, but eventually all inside,  and outside projects will be done.

You see a lot of different people at the sos. I never go there,  cuz I renew stuff online.  I saw a cute lady about my age with her daughter. Cute in she didn't have a perfect body,  but her mannerisms were cute if that makes sense. A little sun in her face, and I don't know how to describe her. Short, not skinny, and not fat, but in the weird way we notice people. I would not have minded talking to her for some strange reason. You know how our heart makes us interested in people for no real reason?  That too happened yesterday unplanned for just that little time.  I'll never see her again probably,  and I have no idea what her life is like.

Strange huh? 

Well, at least you get to know about me. I never take selfies though so you may not know what I look like.  For the record I weigh around 167 lbs.  I weighed myself at the doctor with my shoes on. It said 169.

I guess that is why we blog though huh?  That lady yesterday I will never know anything about, but you can know about me, and my insignificant life. 

Fun fun. :)

Gotta run.  :)

Laterzzz.    :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Day Off In The Middle Of Summer.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I had a day off cuz the holiday yesterday, and it was fine. I was going to sleep in today, but I remembered I am going to work early. I have my annual check up today, so I'll have to leave on time today, when we probably may work more than 8 hours.

Yesterday I woke up around 2:00 AM or so. I took Hope, and went back to bed. I felt like I really slept in late, but it was 6:30 AM.

We did get some stuff done however. I weeded both gardens. My Dad for some inexplicable reason bought 2 more tomato plants, and I finally got them in the ground.  That makes 10, so I will be drowning in tomatoes. I watered twice. I also used our paint sprayer in the breezeway. I see how it works,  and we will be ready to paint the outside. I read some, played some solitaire,  checked the oil in the vehicles,  and put air in the tires. It was just an easy day I guess where I did get shit done.

Other than that not much.  I'd say I am living the dream, but there is no such thing. I am living the life before me, and it is the best way possible. Mostly cuz all answers have been given. I don't have to seek, and I don't have to strive. I did my hard stuff, and now I am on the other side. Just waiting,  and living. I work,  I eat, and I sleep,  and it is all my heart desires. I like my routine, and not a ton will change from day to day. I wake up every day like this too.

So today I will have a day. There will be dinner, and stuff in between. Sounds good enough to me. 

Til next time. 

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Notice Posted In The Villa Just North Of Here.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I am not really sure what a villa is, but the notice is posted at least.   ;) 

I really don't have anything to blog about. I tried yesterday,  but it was dumb. We have a breezeway that is closed up. We are remodeling to try and turn it into a 4 season room. I ran into an electrical problem though, so we called a professional. Lucky working at a local lumber yard for a number of years we knew one. Basically we have 4 switches wired,  and we want two switches,  and an outlet. There are six wires coming into the switch, and I cannot make sense of it, so I decided to call the guy who does that for a living.

We'd like to get a little pellet stove for heat, otherwise we'll have a plumber run gas, and do another vent free heater. I like the idea of having a fire though...if able. I'll have the professionals look into that too.  Get a quote, see if it's feasible etc...

Other than that not too much. My garden is doing good,  I watered it yesterday. I already have tomatoes, not ripe, but little green ones coming along. Beans will come in the next couple weeks I bet. We'll get a million in a short time. I have a day off for the holiday tomorrow,  and I worked my last Sunday at the grocery store last week. I am now 2 jobs. I work 6 days ~8 hours/day with one day off. Sunday,  and Monday are sleep in days. I am pretty excited about my new schedule.

Other than that not much. Just doing the life thing. One day at a time, and nothing too crazy on any given day. Work, eat, sleep as usual.

I don't really worry too much about anything I don't think. Especially internally. Do I think right? Is My personality "normal"  I basically think I just am. Just do what I do. Luckily I like to labor at various things, so I stay busy,  cuz it makes me feel pretty positive about myself I guess. I like my jobs too,  cuz I like to labor. Luckily my jobs keep me on my feet too.

Every morning I wake up pretty positive about me, and how my life shapes up. I dont try to mold the days, or myself into how I think things should be. I just am basically, because I can be.

Anyhoo, nothing really blog worthy here, but it's never stopped me before. I've been posting non blog worthy stuff for at least a decade. :)  if you've been reading along,  I'm sorry.   :)

Gotta go.

Have fun. 

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.   :)