Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. So I stayed up late watching election results the other day. I actually voted too, which I don't always do. Maybe 4 or 5 times in my life. Personally I was never going to vote, but I didn't like W. I read some books and stuff too, and my natural right leaning ways went hard left. A lot about this Country and it's History I didn't know I guess.
Anyway, so I am a left leaning mostly uninterested citizen. I think I mostly voted the other day, cuz I didn't want an old white guy for our Governor. The girl clobbered him.
Maybe that is cuz of Trump. Maybe cuz of weed too, I don't know. Weed is legal, and I don't know how popular it is really.
For me, I don't really smoke it ever. Just not my thing, but like most people I could give one fuck what people do. It's fine by me.
I watched a little t.v. yesterday, and I am over it. Sessions was fired, and yadda yadda yadda. What you need to know is Michigan has a Democratic Governor for the first time in 12 years, and she won it handily. Trump won in Michigan just two years ago. Doubt that stays the same.
White people who like angry people will still vote for him is my guess, but I guess that isn't a majority makeup of Michigan's electoral. I'd like to think the right has a majority of angry people, but I guess both sides have their anger issues.
Politics is very adversarial these days. Maybe it's always been this way, or maybe Fox news changed the landscape, I don't know. If you turn politics into a football game atmosphere, I guess people will get interested. If people get interested, and turnout then the right will be a minority party. Educated people side with the left, women side with the left, and any non white people probably side with the left. The slow moving way of people's thinking is more progressive.
It's why women can vote now, and you don't have to own land, and blacks are considered equal under the law. 40 hour work weeks and stuff. Of course change typically doesn't come without the shedding of blood. Humans are, and always have been some of the worst people around. :)
What's it mean to me? Nothing. People are not to be held in high esteem. More a product of the World really. The World is wrong, people deep down look for scapegoats I guess, cuz shouldn't we all be happier? Shouldn't this one life, just be the best thing ever?
The truth of the matter is life is one of the stupidest things ever. It is very hard, or really impossible I guess to no longer be a product of the World. I think people deep down want to not be a part of the World. Wouldn't it be nice if none of this stupid crap held any importance?
I cannot imagine the typical day to day stress people live with. I have my work, eat, sleep to worry about, and I don't. :)
Anyhoo, I spose.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Laterzzz. :)
Bye. :)))
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