Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I was just checking the calendar. I always thought Thanksgiving was the last Thursday in November. It isn't this year, so I have no idea why Thanksgiving is on some random Thursday in November. I just checked the calendar. It must be the 4th Thursday in November.
Now I remember Christopher Columbus's diary. "On this 4th Thursday of November we broke bread with the local Indians, and then we killed them." Just kidding.
So yesterday was a day. Pretty typical. It was cold. Mostly due to the wind I believe. I was cold on my bike. I wondered if it was not being used to the temps, but me, and my neighbor agreed it was just cold. I took Hope for a walk, and she was fine.
Other than that not much. I forgot to put my watch on after my shower, so I don't know how many steps. I worked late though, so I assume between 25,000-30,000. I never had that information before, but I am glad I have it now for whatever reason.
This has been a good year for leaves in most of ours are down, and I stayed on top of it, so I have very little left. A tree in our back yard typically doesn't fall til after Christmas, but it is mostly down, and to the front for the City to pick up. A lot of times we have to wait for those leaves in Spring, cuz of snow, and stuff, and this tree has huge leaves, and covers our whole back yard.
Today is a work out day, and I like doing that. Basically I do my circuit of 7 machines I think. I do either 3 sets or 4 of 10. The weights I use are getting a bit easier, but still a good work out. Nothing crazy hard core, but using muscles I might not otherwise use.
There are just these simple little things to my life. There really isn't much challenging here. I work, I eat, and I sleep. Not a ton of stress here for me. I have more money coming in than out. No huge expenses in the foreseeable future. I am healthy so that helps.
Unknown to me in this area of my life everything becomes pretty simple. My heart is at peace. I am sorta disinterested in stuff perhaps, but it is pretty sweet waking up like this, and having the majority of my day planned. I never look over my shoulder like should I do this or that.
My heart is fine with my little life, and that makes all the difference. In this way I do not know you. I don't really know the stress of this World, but I do know people want little stress. A care free life really, and I gotta tell you it is the best thing one can get.
For me it was a long time coming, and it wasn't what I really wanted. I wanted to suffer. Do my final thing so I could be the best a person can be, and be secure. Well, I got security before being the best a person can be. Who knew that was possible? Surely not I. I seeked suffering so I could get security. Suffering I still will do, but my heart I guess is courageous enough. I am willing to do my final thing, cuz this always was about understanding anyway. With understanding all tools will be at my disposal. Course I have no idea what these days will look like. Probably not very good days as far as this World goes. I don't know what they will look like though.
Still, I am not concerned. The weight of the World is not on me. The burdens of the World do not affect me. That too is a pretty excellent thing.
The life I now lead is simple pimple. Not a thing to worry about really.
Pretty crazy.
Anyhoo, I guess that's good.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Laterzzz. :)
Bye. :)))
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