Haven't done this in a while. No reason really. Weird work schedule, staying up to watch the Bears on Sunday Night, getting sick, shit like that. I don't really recall if I ever had the flu before, but I got it. I felt fine. I woke up 11:00 one night. Felt pretty good, and I could sleep for a few more hours. I had a drink of tomato juice, and my stomach started turning. After I puked the 2nd time I called into work. Lisa had it the day before, and it wasn't pretty. I ended up puking, and ass pissing around 7 times each. I was good enough after that one day. That was a new experience.
I watched football yesterday. My team didn't win. I looked at my life, and stuff. My team losing does not affect my life in any way. It is just entertainment. No significance other than that. Sportsing in the end is basically not important at all. Just fun to play, and fun to watch.
On any given day I can see anger in people for whatever reason. I thought about that some. I see some/a lot of anger being misplaced. Probably very very little/no people are out to make your life worse. Mostly people are out just trying to make their way. All probably cling to some stupid ideology created by people not smarter than you. Lines are drawn, and fights occur. Our team vs. Your team, and it's a goddamn football game mentality.
In the end you really want answers to life. Why life? What's the point of this? All really are a product of your upbringing and society. People have been doing this and this since forever, so I guess I better too.
I don't even know if people question anything. I know they don't question themselves. Just following your life wherever it may go.
I decided to try to not be angry and stuff. Just yesterday I found out the OSU coach has some type of cyst in his head, so he gets a lot of headaches and stuff. As his team was clobbering my team, I felt bad for him living like that. I've gone years since I've had a headache, but I can't imagine it would be fun to probably always having a headache. All the money in the World won't make that life better.
As it goes on, my life still is simple. Better when I get plenty of sleep. Better also if I don't get the flu.
Still it's okay. Not a lot for me to worry about. Money goes out, but money is coming in too. Yesterday for fun I watched football. I didn't spend any money really, except for some Coors Light. I don't usually drink that, but since I drank during the game that started at noon, I didn't want to get all fucked up by 3:00PM. It worked. Coors Light is just shitty enough beer, you can only drink like 6 or 7. You pee around 1000 times, and you cannot stomach drinking another. :)
Pretty funny.
Anyway, I spose.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Laterzzz. :)
Bye. :)))
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