I don't really have anything to write about, but I'll give it a whirl. Yesterday was a pretty normal day, and by normal I mean it was a good day. I don't really have a ton of stuff to do around the house being it's winter and all, so I went for a run after work. It made me think of getting in running shape, but I break down, so I hold no hopes, but I can give it another try I guess. Even if a long run only turns into 6 or 8 miles. It might be all this body can handle.
Other than that not much. I made a very easy meal, and went to bed shortly after dinner. It's my normal. Bed early hopefully = waking up early. Tuesday through Saturday I work early, so I try to wake up a few hours before work, except for Saturday. I work at 5:00 AM on Saturday, so I get up get ready, and go.
Sooooo what else? Not much I guess. I guess life is easy, and I am at peace. Not a lot for me to worry about, and not a lot of stress.
I just live out my days really. I seek out nothing in this life. I just am, and just live. I know a life is typically filled with a good amount of stress, and a good amount of striving, but that is removed from me. This heart has not much to be concerned with. What does this blog do? Maybe nothing, I don't even know. Maybe people like to read another person's thoughts about life, and stuff. I don't know. Maybe not either. It could just be a total waste of time too, but I am not concerned.
I've been doing this a while, so it ain't no thing usually to write some shit. I guess life in the end can be boring. We aren't doing anything special. We aren't collecting any points for deeds we assume to be good.
We are born here having the World always always always trying to elevate our worth, and the truth goes in the opposite direction. We are numbered like the blades of grass. We dont go around looking at what the prettiest blades are. :) most of you anyway.
The truth tells us of our sad existence I guess, but I hold the trump card. A heart that is fine with my lot in life.
If you try to make your blade shine the prettiest green, and be the healthiest blade, you battle against the truth, and your labor is in vain.
The truth is pretty brutal when looked at directly. It's why it will be the toughest thing you do. Those who are willing anyway. I suspect many/most will continue to shine their blade, cuz they want to be perceived as special, and unique.
I guess in the end I will be, but it won't be by any unique special gifts I created. It will be cuz I was willing to go this path.
Anyways, I guess that's good.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Laterzzz. :)
Bye. :)))