Monday, October 19, 2020


This blogging every day is something. You wake up, and you gotta blog. That's ingrained in me for whatever reason.  I didn't, scratch that. I guess I did get a lot done yesterday. I didnt get the Bears game, but I listened to it on Sirius XM. While listening to the game I did my shopping. I did all the laundry, dishes, made dinner. Got my bread ready to bake tonight. Shopped for the tongue and groove ceiling we will use. I found a white PVC planking. It's expensive, but we don't have to paint,  and I have $150 of free money, so it might cost me $30 out of pocket. 

I made biscuits last night with dinner. I thought they were kinda bland tasting. Do biscuits really have a lot of flavor anyway?  Flour, baking soda, baking powder, butter, milk,  fat, salt. I should have added some shredded cheese or something. I did add pepper,  and garlic. I did buy a blueberry pie to bake too.  :)  It is cold out, so it is baking, and cooking season. 

I did take Hope for a run too. So, not a bad Sunday. I did stay up late to watch parts of baseball, and football. I don't feel tired this morning though, so I guess its fine. 

That was one day off. What am I going to do with a whole week off?  Yikes. The Big 10 football starts this weekend. I am surprised how much I don't really care about college football, except the big 10. I never really knew. You don't really realize, until you have to watch the SEC, or Texas, or Notre Dame play. I have no idea how the Big 10 will play out. You never really know til they play the games. 

Take the Bears. You look at their games,  and they look pretty bad. Atlanta killed the Vikings, and we beat Atlanta. The Bucs killed the Packers,  and we beat the Bucs. This crappy team all of a sudden can get some confidence. You always have to play the games. 

All in all I  guess this week is starting out good. I don't watch a lot of tv, but I watched football. Holy political commercials.  :)  2 weeks and that is over. 

Not much besides that. Living my little life. The best part is waking up every day ready to start. Feel pretty good about the activities that will fill the day. I do like Fall. You can wear sweats and stuff to be comfortable inside, and it is fine to be outside. I can do good in all weather. Shit, I gotta take my bike in too. I saved a lot of money not buying a new one. 

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

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