Monday, August 3, 2020

That Was Something Completely Different

So, I had my lazy Sunday. It was alright. The only problem is when you do nothing sleeping is harder to come by. I couldn't fall asleep when I went to bed past my normal time, so I read some, and slept pretty restlessly. 

I did catch up on the Perry Mason series. I was really wanting to get into it, and I did. I didn't watch last nights new episode though. I'll watch that today. Also I finally finished watching "sharp objects".  Another HBO series based on a book I either read or listened to. Speaking of, I gotta check if Gillian Flynn has a new book out. 

I skipped my workout yesterday. I only did laundry, and dishes. Laundry is not folded. I didn't sleep all that great last night, so today may be a lazy day too. 

I have to cut the grass soon. Check my gardens, workout,  fold laundry, etc...   Dinner too, and I really just want to watch the new episode of Perry Mason. Work should tire me out, and we can just start everything tomorrow after a good night sleep. We shall see. I am going to be lazy if I am tired after work. I am tired before work,  so that seems likely. 

We did turn our air off for a few days, but we will have to turn it back on for an extended time if the later day forecasts are correct. 

Outside that not much. I don't feel guilty for being lazy yesterday. It probably helps it's been a while since I had a lazy day. Sportsing is going on, which is really weird. You have like Basketball playoffs,  and Hockey playoffs, and baseball. I know its pre-playoffs, but close enough. No fans though. The games still matter though in a sense.  Let's face it the Sox/KC series really didn't have a lot less fans than normal watching at the stadium.   :)

This thing will be around a while. It's a pretty bad thing. Alabama is going to pass Michigan for good today. They have half our population. Georgia's population is about the same as ours,  and they doubled us. We will be wearing masks for the foreseeable future. That's fine with me, I don't really care. It's kinda different always looking into people's eyes only. 

I'll just do more of the same I guess. Today should be okay. I normally don't actually feel tired during the work day. Just too busy really. I like that about my jobs.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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