Yesterday was a day. I worked, watered the grass, and pulled some weeds. We made tacos for dinner, and I watched some of the Sox game. Today should be pretty good. It is a work day, and if I wasn't working I would have nothing to do. It would probably be the start of a lazy weekend, and I wouldn't be happy on Monday, cuz I was a lazy shit all weekend. Today, I get to be productive with work, while listening to a book.
This 2nd job is good money wise, and good for me in general. Just cuz left to my own devices I can be lazy. In the olden days in late August I normally would have put in a 20 mile run I guess, but 20 milers made me lazy too. I wouldn't do shit the rest of the day, and I'd be drained. 20 milers aren't refreshing. They are draining.
So on a positive note, I get to work today. I'll be tired after. So what else? The Sox are doing better than I thought they would be. I didn't see them hitting so many homeruns. You go through their lineup though, and it's pretty brutal. It never ends. Most of these guys will be around for quite a while too. They will be good for a while.
The temp I think is breaking for good. I am going to reseed grass in spots where I pulled weeds. At least in the front. The back I'll worry about next year. We will have a big ass pool next year so the backs landscape will be different. Not sure how it will look actually. So, I'll worry about the front. By temps breaking I mean I doubt we will have a week of 90° weather again. I find Fall to be a great time to plant grass.
Life goes on. The world is kinda crazy, and my life looks the same, and feels the same. The different thing in me is I changed my schedule so I can sleep more.
I saw the guy who played the black panther died of colon cancer at 43 years old. CNN had a thing saying colon cancer is on the rise for people under 50 years old. Males I believe. Why would that be? Gotta be something in the diet right? What else would cause it? 43 is a shitty time to die.
I am 54, and cancer doesn't run in either side of my family, so I worry about my heart more, and that is doing much better than a few years ago. At least on shit that can be seen with diet, and stuff.
I am at peace with my life, and at peace with my future. I know why that is, and I know why others don't have that. I don't know how much future anxiety adds stress to the normal person. Some I would imagine. The end of the day work, eat, sleep keeps me in a pretty good spot.
I spose.
Laterzzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeee. :)))
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