Thursday, June 11, 2020

Time Keeps Moving

Another day done. It was busy, I was active. My run was definitely a struggle. It wasn't 94, but it was definitely 84, but
the humidity was through the roof. I felt like I was doing speed work,  and the pace showing up proves I definitely wasn't doing speed work. I did get it in, plus my resistance training. I am to my regular sets of pushups,  and have been doing the regular sets of pullups. dips went okay. The spacing is a tad wide to my liking so my dips are semi wide spaced dips.  I did my knee to the chest things. 7, but obviously I want to move up to 10 quickly. 4 sets. Maybe some Fridays I can do extra sets. Blow it up a bit with Saturday,  and Sunday off. Also I'd like resistance training to get easier. I remember when I went to the gym it did get easier. I want to increase reps eventually. 

Anyway besides that not much. I slept good last night. The weather today will be so much better for getting my run in. It is actually chilly this morning. Work will be busy. Thursday is consistently our hardest day. I have to get my run in, and that's about it. 

There isn't much of significance going on in my life right now. Just doing the day by day thing. I know at one point long ago I thought my life was hard. I was full of failures. and vices and stuff. I was just one person in this World, and I had to find my way in it. As we all do I spose. Maybe when we are young we are attracted to confident people. my college girlfriend Katrina was really hot, but it was her confidence I admired. I just figured that out. Afterwards I dated Natalie. I was at my lowest point. Remember I was empty,  and had no energy. I think I went from like 130 pounds to 170. 170 for young me was fat. 170 for old me is fine. Weird how the body develops. I fell for Natalie too, and as I am just figuring it was her confidence that drew me. Why?  Cuz we want to attach ourselves to something solid. Secure. Something with a good foundation. Cuz we want to feel secure. Security I have. I did attach myself to a good foundation. In the end it wasn't a person,  or money, or carving out an esteemed name in society. After living terrified I wanted security more than anything. Going through heimleblog days, and even Steve's journey I did too. I got it though. Overcoming 2 of 3 times I was given security. Then I wait. For what now I am not sure. Waiting for people to be ready for what's next I guess. How that works I have no clue. 

Anyway security is a great thing. A thing to be valued. We sought it out when we were young. We sought it out in personalities pretty much. Money was supposed to be security, but money doesn't have an end. True security has an end to striving as a sidekick.  Money can never have an end to striving as its sidekick. Those two things don't work like that. 

Wouldn't you like to be on the side of true security?  I don't even know how to bring you along. There  was a time I thought my blog had a purpose. I was doing stuff with it. Now I just do it. I don't think it really does anything. 

I still like to do it most days. Obviously I've been doing it a while.   :)    hahaha. I bet I am approaching 15 years soon.  Geesh.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.           :)))

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