Friday, June 26, 2020

I Am Tired

I feel like I could sleep more. I am doing this instead.  I did get 7-1/2 hours of sleep. I woke up at 1:00 AM for a while, and eventually fell back asleep. My problem I guess is my alarm went off while I was in a deep sleep. 

Anyway I learned something new yesterday. I did a short little time trial after work. It was hard. It's been forever since I've put in any kind of non-transportation like effort on the bike. I pretty much blew my load in the first 30 seconds. I couldn't get the same push from my legs. My heart rate was up a great deal, and it was fun. It makes me think maybe biking always played a role in me getting in shape. 

My knee felt much better yesterday. Almost like I can already run again. There is some pain when I bend my leg,  but really I am so toast. I am sore everywhere. I know why people get sports massages. Holy cripes I need one. 

Other than  that not much. Yesterday was a horrible day as far as the virus goes. I have nothing to say about it. It's bad out there I guess. I need a haircut,  but oddly I may see how my basically white hair looks long. Basically I don't really care about my hair. My hair is full, and that will never end. I am just really gray. Probably worse now cuz of the sun. 

A quick look in myself, I don't feel angry about anything. Nothing terribly important going on in my noggin. Just this tired feeling. I have to drive today, cuz of rain I guess. 

I told my dad I'd take him out to dinner tonight. That was such a horrible idea on my part. I'll get no enjoyment out of it. That's for sure. 

I am going to  try and nap for a bit. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.     :)))

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