Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Day Was Had.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I am going watchless for a while, as I lost my charger. It should show up sometime or I'll buy a new one. I am going to not use my watch til after vacation. Gotta clear up a yeast spot I am sure. My hands are in yeasty doughs pretty much 5 days/week, so I am going to get rid of those stupid spots the doughs stick to the watch band, and if you are not careful that can happen. Lesson learned.

Yesterday was okay. I got my full workout in, and I ran the robot. It's no big thing to run the robot, but you can forget some days. Afterwards the floors look so clean. Without it we would vacuum our house once/week if lucky. Never under the beds either or couches and stuff. If you have the means I recommend one. Especially if you have pets.

Yesterday was fine. I wasn't super duper productive after work, but I did get some shit done. I did finish the 5th Harry Potter book. 2 more to go.

Not much really going on with me. Going about doing my day to day. I really need to come up with a plan for October. Some special activity or challenge. Maybe I should take up fishing or something. Super duper clean up the house?  I am still pondering. It's like my whole life can open up to something new, and I am not sure what that new thing will be. I want to do something useful though. Not learn to play the guitar or anything like that. I guess I should take fishing off the list too. That's dumb.

What else?  Ermmm, not much. Life continues to move forward. Obviously I don't have a lot to stress me out. My life is pretty simple. I am active which is simple. I regularly use a lot of my muscles, so that is a positive thing. I don't have some great time consuming workout routine. Maybe 3 hours of running/week, and 3 hours resistance training. Roughly 10 miles of walking/day besides Sunday which is usually less. Its simple. I make no great sacrifice to be the way I am. Going to bed early isn't a sacrifice, and either is waking up early. Just my norm. Biking to work isn't a sacrifice, and either is running. Perhaps the only thing considered a sacrifice is biking away from home to work out 3 days per week. The positives totally outweigh the sacrifice. In life I am super lucky. My work keeps me active. It's easy. Also my heart is pretty cool with how my life is.

I don't yearn for better things. I guess my life is fun. I like it. I really wouldn't change a thing. I am lucky to have my heart as it is. I know it's different than if I went my own way. I know you aren't as I am, and sometimes I think... well I am not sure. I don't know how you are. I just know you aren't like me. You missed something along the way huh? 

Life is hard unless it is made easy for you. My life has been made easy, but my path wasn't. Its so long ago though I don't  even remember how hard it was. Someone dies eventually you don't think of them. Same with the hard parts of my journey. Its History. Don't care anymore.

That's our legacy too. We'll be in the ground for a while,  and no one gives a fuck after a certain point.

Fine by me. I feel I have the best part of life. An accepting,  and content heart. I don't yearn for stuff. Not much for me to worry about either.


Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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