Thursday, February 28, 2013

Well, I decided to get up.

Good Morning all.  How's it going??  Me, I am doing pretty good.  I decided to get up today to do this little thing.  I don't have to do it, and I realize if I don't stuff comes out anyway.  I have more outlets than my blog I realize, and I guess all will be utilized in ways. 

I learned that yesterday.  

Lisa has been sick this week, and she was feeling better, but then all of a sudden not feeling good again last night.  Hopefully she feels better today.  She doesn't have to be at work til next Tuesday, so she has time. 

I just realized yesterday how the World entangles us all.  You owe people this, and you owe people that.  You have to do this, and you have to do that.  You are not free at all.  You are a slave to your life, and all the things you got tangled up into.  Aren't you sick of it??  You are not free at all. 

There are so many rules in life, and many of them you made yourself. 

I am here to tell you life is a Spiritual Journey.  Tough things need to be done, and many of the scary horrible things are hidden.  You need to have courage to do the tough things that need to be done, and you may need to eat a little humble pie. 

I mean even the good book says the two most important rules are to Love the Lord Your God with all your heart with all your mind, and with all your soul, and your neighbor as yourself. 

Guilty huh??   I know it is not within your heart to love your neighbor as yourself, because you judge.  We cannot even do that little thing, and you also love your life, and all that is about more than the one he offered up for you.  The one I have been telling you about.  You know me pulling on this blog, but you not listening, not believing, and trusting in your own knowledge and wisdom instead of the higher truths offered. 


What do you profit if you gain the World but forfeit your soul??  

I have told you it is a numbers game, and the numbers are a lottery type percentage. 

Sooooo,   you better take shit seriously. 

You better have courage, and you better start coming to terms with who you are, and how your life looks, and the things you have done, and how pretty unfabulous we ALL are. 

Or just keep going on...   doing what you are doing.  You can also see where that leads too. 

At the end of the day we all have free will, even when you are led to the ultimate fork in the road.  Do I go the way of me??   Or do I humbly, and unwillingly deny myself and go the path less chosen?? 

Which one do you think makes all the difference???   Even if you cannot see??  You really are putting your trust in one who sees better on the path less chosen huh??  

Your choice. 

Laterzzz.   :)    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo    :)))

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