Monday, February 18, 2013

Life, The Universe, and Everything...

oops,  I just published my title without the blog.  My title may be the best part of today's blog anyway.   :)

I am going to get me my cup of coffee.  It is done, so I will brb. 

I sometimes write stuff, and don't really know the importance of it until later.  My post a couple days ago had that remark of those 12 people.  That was a pretty important thing I wrote there huh??  Life is one big trap.  We get ensnared in life,  and we are not strong enough to be like those 12 are we??  So much stuff ties us down.  We have bills, and futures to plan for, and the things we hope for are important, and stuff like that.  The truth will set you free, and I have "preached" kinda the truth, and trust, and turns etc...   I know the desires of the heart, especially when the World is out there for you to take over.  Trust trumps all remember. 

It is not within your power to grab the freedom that is available.  Very little is in your power actually to make you a better person.  You can't work toward this, and you cannot work toward that, because work is zero of the equation.  There is one who does the work, but it ain't you. 

Last week for various reasons I felt very unimportant.  Many reasons, but it really is how I get treated that makes me feel that way.  When I feel that way, then I am like screw it, I won't blog. 

This blog is important, and I don't mean that in a toot my own horn kinda way.  In my heart is to value what I do here, more than anything else, so it is important. 

This blog can get weird, and there is no way around it.  This blog is here, and many words come through it.  It isn't anything really for me.  If I wake up to blog, I will blog. 

This is a hard spot, and it is why trust is so huge.  You are kinda to be strong like those 12.  You have to trust in the vision, and the direction. 

There are some hard truths out there, and I may lose some of you here, but Who comes first in your life??  The answer is you, and well, the answer for those 12 was not the same was it?? 

Strength, trust, I used words like that, and how hard are those?? 

You all are ensnared in life, and there is a way out, and it is a good way.  I have a feeling many lost their way with not enough trust, and that is a hard truth.  Many lose their way. 

So good luck.  We all have to find our way, and I am here to help.  It still isn't going to be easy, but that is part of the plan.  It isn't supposed to be easy. 

So I know this is hard stuff, and Nothing I can do to make it easy is there?? This isn't my story, and this isn't my plan, and now you can see why it is kinda a solo'ish thing huh?? 

I don't really have  signature line today, but best wishes.   :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant statement Steve!!!
"TRUST TRUMPS ALL" mother of all people, has,still not earned my trust, probably never will. At i am late 30's.

i will never be,like,her.

She believes the little white lie is,o.k to speak.

It is still that way in her little world.

and because of that paradigm, i still have to be cautious of what i share(speak) with her.
She also is quite two-faced, she will agree with you and behind your back (when chatting with her family or co-workers) she will totally disagree....WTF???

Is this common??

Really...i would like to know.

All the treats she bakes for me and all the $20 bills,she,pins on the writing board, WILL NEVER EVER EQUATE OR EARN what Trust she never could establish.

It is a bit challenging not trusting her....but she has been this,way for as long as i can remember. And also, knowing that she can and often "minces" my words/thoughts to others (What? To gain their approval?) makes me want to distance myself even more.

Thnx for posting Steve, thanks for allowing me to mull my feelings AND DANG, i had been lured into her trap the past six months!!!

I know am able to raise that protective guardagain, silly me i thought she had "changed"...

Maybe a post/blog about that sometime..people are still and will always be...THE SAME!