Wednesday, April 15, 2020

It Is 10:00 AM. I Guess I Can Start The Day

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I do have the constant virus worry that seems to never really leave. After this we will all have a fear of public places. :)  Except those stupid protestors in Michigan. The group of course is funded by Betsy Devos, so it's one of those things. Betsy is probably mad she cannot visit her multi-million dollar Summer home down the road from us. It's a monstrosity,  and I don't know if I've ever seen anyone in there. Oh shit, whose going to cut her grass, and plant the flowers she'll never see, cuz they are never there?  Oh the mighty struggles of those born with a golden spoon in their mouth, or whatever that saying is. 

Really though do they not see Michigan being a really bad State as far as these things go?  I'd like to see the protestors go complain in Detroit. 

We got a lot done yesterday again. Today will finish up the inside portion. Garage kinda sucks, cuz we have stuff to donate staged there. It will be clear after that. So today will be pretty exciting. I do have to install two small floors, which shouldn't be a huge deal. I might leave some or all for tomorrow. We will see how things turn out. 

I did the sleep for a few hours last night, be awake for a few hours, and sleep again. I got a lot of money deposited into checking last night. $3800. Also I'll get another $1600 next week. Pretty crazy right?  It is nice I won't have to dig into savings during this ordeal. Actually I can probably add to it, but interest rates are shit. Even in my Discover one. I guess its tied to the lending rate. 

As much as possible I guess we turned this negative thing into a positive as much as possible. Just getting shit done. Lucky for us there is no strain financially for us, but we are the lucky ones I bet. Not everyone can say that. Future is still uncertain too.  I felt yesterday was a bit of a buzz kill as far as covid-19 numbers were. Pretty brutal day. Just cuz the numbers spiked a bit after the weekend. A lot of people dying too. 

That's the name of the game anyway. At some point in time we are headed there anyway. Kinda crazy the allure of bringing people into this World so they can eventually face their death. Where is the happily ever after part?  Unfortunately it's not there. There is a reason why the 12+1 never had kids. One just has to HONESTLY, and OBJECTIVELY look at the numbers.  Accept the hidden truth,  although it hasn't been hidden to me for decades.  

Anyway, I spose.  

Today should be pretty exciting. Just getting more shit done.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

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