Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Okay Just One More Day Of Work.

I have one day left of work. It's not the best time to work being a first shifter, but it is nice having the work.  I'll have the next 2-1/2 weeks off, so may as work as much as possible.  So basically in 2 weeks of supposedly not working my main job, I'll get ~65 hours give or take with pay being the same hourly.  I was surprised at yesterday's meeting how many companies are still open to keep the cleaning company still busy.  

I started working there like 6 years ago, and now it has 5 times the accounts.  At least.  Seemingly anyway.  Cleaning is not fun, unless you can find a way to take pride in your areas of responsibility.  Ya gotta be able to do the mundane stuff fast, so you can do extra that no one else will do.  Not rocket science.  Just be better than those before you.  Try anyway. Competition takes boredom out of life.  It's why sportsing players make so much money. Anything that makes life seem exciting is a positive thing.  

The stimulus bill got passed.  A stimulus bill I am all for. Although I haven't read it.  Obviously the govt is basically handing out money.  Printing it really, cuz in actuality it doesn't really exist. Federal Governments are the creator of currency.  States can't do it.  

I am a WIIFM guy as much as anyone else.  The stimulus has stuff in it for me.  As to where all the other money goes who knows.  I was sanitizing offices of a company yesterday. The CEO, Chairman, Controller, etc...   their offices were nice. The manufacturing part seemed fine, but I wondered how long that company was actually viable.  The chairman was the widow of obviously a big part of the corporation.  Her husband had a lot of rememberance thingies. The current CEO is a woman, which I found to be neat, as it is basically a machine, metal, tool and dye type of manufacturing plant.  Oil and grease on the production floor, and classy executive bathrooms on the other side.  

I did feel like I was potentially helping fight the virus sanitizing everything I could in that place, cuz the virus has a stupid shelf life.  20 days or something.  

Anyway,  crazy times.  Lisa's brother who lives with us works at a Meier.  They have an  employee day, so he picked up more toilet paper.  Toilet paper=such a luxury item.   :)   We didn't hoard, but when it got crazy we picked up a couple extra packages on top of our Sam's Club stash.  I feel we will survive the TP thing.   Unless this lasts past 2026.     ;)     kidding.  We have a few weeks supply.  

Other than that not much.  Gotta do the unemployment thing tomorrow or so, and yeah basically I am at home.  It should be fine in a way.  I probably won't want to take a vacation the rest of the year.   

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.                :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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