Friday, April 26, 2013

A Little Of This, And A Little Of That...

Good Morning all.  How's it going??  Me, I am doing pretty good.  Well yesterday was a pretty exciting day all in all.  I was able to run longer than a 2 or 3 miler.  It has been a while.  Like I said yesterday we were going to go on our 6.7 mile route. I haven't looked so forward to a run in a long time.  It was somewhere between 45 and 50.  It was a bit windy, but sunny, and I was out running, and that made a difference.  Not much on the run, except we got around 2/3 of the way done, and I kept yo you'ing off the back of Jerry and Ken.  This was a hard run for me.  Not in impossible or anything, but I am not in very good shape.   It was a good distance, and you forget how fun/an accomplishment doing this type of stuff is. 

My legs were tired at the end.  I was tired too.  I mean almost pass out tired after a bit.  I didn't sleep all that well.  That is common after a challenging run for me, but Definitely excited for the prospects of running again and being more active.  

Anyway, I am going to get a cup of coffee.  There are a couple things on my mind.   brb...

First off on my post yesterday, yeah sometimes the way blogging goes it seems strange to me.  The rules of blogging, and the unwritten rules, etc...   I don't understand any of it.  It sometimes seems strange to me, and I cannot grasp it. 

As I was sleeping last night, and waking, and sleeping, and waking.  One of the times I got a clear picture of what I have said on this blog, and what it means, etc...   I was like Ohhhhhhhhh......

There is a lot to this thing here, and I sometimes forget it.  Why isn't this just a normal thing??   I forget that too.  

Sometimes I am going along and along, and I forget how this is, and how it seems to people.  Forgive me about that.   I am different a lot every day huh??  

I blog a lot, and I comment a lot, cuz I think if I read  something I should say I was around, I read it, and whatever. 

The thing is I have been doing it this way for so long I now think it is almost rude if I don't comment, or the person who doesn't get a comment from me will think I am mad or something.  That really isn't fair to me, but sometimes I feel guilty I guess. 

So what does that mean??   This thing is strange, I get it.  I forget though sometimes.  There is a lot of stuff on my mind here and there.  I do get angry sometimes and every other emotion just like everyone else. 

I like seeing the ugly/bad parts of life, because it means you are not trying to paint a picture, you are just venting, and doing all the real stuff that is really a part of you anyway.  That is the stuff we all have. 

I am not saying life doesn't have these great awesome days.  It does, but nothing is ever perfect, and we aren't either, and either are our friends. etc...  

So what does that mean??   Nothing really, just a little something about me.   :)

That is it for today!!!     :)

Thanks for reading!!!     :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!    :)

xo's!!!     :)

Love You All!!!     :)

p.s.  I am really looking forward to the nice weather we will have this afternoon.   Lisa closes, but should be a good day.   :)   WOOOOOO  

Love You All    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya     :D      :D   

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