Monday, June 6, 2011

Coffee In Hand Ready To Go!! :)

First off I do want to confess something.  I drink coffee almost every morning.  I didn't want to hide that from you.  :)  

There is a lot on my mind today, and I am concerned about some of you.  Not really concerned, but I guess I feel for you.  I see things, whether it be a blog entry, a status update somewhere via Twitter, or FB, or whatever I see it.

You know let me just tell you what I was thinking of yesterday.  First off I woke up late.  I slept in til like 8:00 so no blog entry.  We did have a blast Saturday cooking out, playing ladder toss, etc...  drinking some beers.  It was fun.  We do it almost every weekend, so nothin new. 

My mind was on Kim Sheridan a bit.  I am pretty sure it is just a little rain in her life.  A tough day or two to help her on the way.  I look back to myself, and I realize a lot was hard.  Sometimes our eyes don't like what they see, and as a Mom you know how concerned one would be for her kids.  Anyway I am thinking of Kim a lot.  Had a bit of a rough spot, not to mention dealing with a billion scary tornadoes this year too.  Mom's have so much to worry about.  I just feel for her. 

Also on blog entries I joke around a lot, but Jen H's last post had some important stuff.  The never ending battle to find a good balance.  Feeling guilty for maybe not doing enough for her kids.  Balancing work, racing goals, and being a Mom.  I doubt you will ever feel like you got it in the bag.   All who read Jen H. are as impressed with her as me I am sure.  No doubt in my mind.  I know that is a tough thing to carry.  Being respected by so many people, she may feel like she always has to be strong.  I love her blog though, because she always always tells us she doesn't have all the answers.  I am not always so strong, and sometimes I have doubts about myself.  Really we all feel that way, but not all show it. 

Then I see Kim Kim Kim feeling not all 100% on top of the "life is awesome" game.  We all are there sometimes.  I mean let's face it we all are doing stuff, but a lot of times I would imagine the grass looks greener elsewhere.  That is rain too in her life.  Does she have the freedom to let her hair down, and get a little crazy as often as she may want???  Probably not.  

Sometimes as you process stuff things seem hard.  You know what the best thing to do with that??  At least for me.  I obviously cannot speak for everyone, but,  a couple drinks, and cooking out on the grill, after some type of workout(s)  Celebrate the life you have chosen, and at these times stop and smell the roses.  It works for me.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  Oh shit, I did bike to and from the trails, and did 4 loops.  Zonked me right out.  :)

Love You All   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Kim Sheridan  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Jen H.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Kim Kim Kim  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I'd give extras for Gina, but it is her birthday this week, and I am gonna have to post some more flowers on this blog.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D 

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